11-11-2011, 04:51 AM
How to dual boot Windows XP and Backtrack 3
Well the first Backtrack I actually played with was Backtrack 2 a couple years back with Backtrack 5 R1 out now. Backtrack 3 was the one I used mainly and as you know Backtrack 3 never had an installer, unlike Backtrack 4 and 5 does because it was never meant to be installed to a HDD, they wanted it as a live pentesting enviroment. Backtrack 3 was also based off Slackware instead of Debian which they moved to in Backtrack 4.
Obviously Backtrack 3 is a few years old and I'm copying this from hand written notes and memory so it might be a bit sketchy..
I'm assuming this is your partition table
1. Windows
2. Backtrack 3
3. Swap
4. Shared
Lets get into it
1) Open a root terminal and type mount to see what's mounted.
2) umount /mnt/sda1
3) type mount again (to check that it's been unmounted
4) qtparted (Right click Windows partition, resize - file, commit
5) fdisk /dev/sda
n, p, 2 (enter for default) + 5120m (Backtrack 3 partition)
n, p, 3 (enter for default) + 2048m (Swap partition)
n, p, 4 (auto selects), (enter for default), enter, (auto selects the remaining space) (shared drive)
t, 3, 82, w (makes partition 3 the swap partition)
p (view the partition table), w (to write)
6) mke2fs /dev/sda2
7) mkswap /dev/sda3
8) swapon /dev/sda3
9) mkreiserfs /dev/sda2 (y for yes)
10) mkdir /mnt/backtrack3
11) mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/backtrack3
12) mkdir /mnt/backtrack3/boot
13) mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/backtrack3/boot
14) cp --preserve -R /{bin,dev,home,pentest,root,usr,boot,etc,lib,opt,sbin,var} /mnt/backtrack3/
15) mkdir /mnt/backtrack3/{mnt,tmp,proc,sys}
16) chmod 1777 /mnt/backtrack3/tmp/
17) mount -t Proc Proc /mnt/backtrack3/proc
18) mount -o bind /dev /mnt/backtrack3/dev/
19) chroot /mnt/backtrack3/ /bin/bash
20) nano /etc/lilo.conf
Scroll down and change
boot to dev/sda
root to sda2
label = Backtrack3
Scroll right to the bottom under all the writing
other = /dev/sda1
label = WindowsXP
table = /dev/sda
ctrl + o, enter, ctrl +X
21) lilo -v
22) exit
23) reboot