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So... What are your classes?
Whoa its has been months since i have played but this thread brought back the memories so here is(was) my class:
Class: Princess Ruby(i named it after my doggy, shes soooo cute!!!!)
AK-47 w/heartbeat (AK's just feel right in my hands)
Rpg(Fuck ye)
Claymores(straight up i am a camper)
flash bangs (although smokes are good for attracting attentionWink enemy player: "hey whoa there's smoke over there lets run over and check it out"
Stopping Power
ninja(totally underestimated perk)
[Image: bustedtees.07e3d5a3-8bf6-4c9a-8f85-5bccf2e28120.gif]

Messages In This Thread
So... What are your classes? - by bigsharn - 05-07-2010, 12:00 AM

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