19-12-2010, 09:03 PM
(19-12-2010, 08:34 PM)bigsharn Wrote: Oh, and never NEVER watch Mr Happy Face just before bed...
Here are a few things I like to say to undermine the dire warning of meatloaf:
It would be unlikely for Mr. Happyface to jump out of the tv due to the fact that none of the electronics inside support matter transfer of any kind nor do they serve as portals to alternate dimensions- oh and I don't watch television.
If in the unlikely event that the tv does convey unto me the presence of said character, the fact that he lacks genitalia proves he doesn't have the balls to come at me with that little frog sticker, because I will cut him down with a hail of gunfire.
This how I paint my walls- "Ammo! Cheaper than paint!"
Having long hair is great until you have to pull a footlong out of the dog's butt. flatank.blogspot.com