15-10-2010, 07:42 PM
Man beaten in Manchester, and his clothes stolen
First off, sorry this story isn't really related in anyway to Technology or mcompute but i was reading through the paper and i thought, we're the kings of tangents so...
Pretty generic really, A man, (36), who fled from Burma four years ago because the Government there found anti-government material on his computer has seeked "Asylum" in the UK. Because that's what you do, right...
He was walking down an Alley, in Salford at 10:45PM at night, at this point it's evident he wasn't born or raised in the UK, where he was knocked out and left unconscious - the attackers took his jacket, shoes and wallet and i quote, "They took my Jacket, which was Maroon and waterproof and cost me £20."
When he woke, he saw two people walking down the alley who he asked for help but received none. He needed 7 stitches and has a suspected fractured eye socket.