09-07-2010, 05:24 AM
(09-07-2010, 04:51 AM)Christopha Wrote: I really sorta just started over and put it to where it detects an IP automatically, because I think that could be where I messed up..
And isn't using the DMZ thing just as easy as typing in the IP and that's it?
See my above post bud, I don't want you getting screwed by a bunch of script kiddie nubs. There are a lot of guys be it on Xbox Live or Playstation that sit there and play their games with Cain and Abel running monitoring the IP addresses of the people they are playing with. Running a simple port scan can give information on what you have going on. If your xbox360/ps3 is running as the DMZ then all they will see when they run the port scan is your console which is good. Again do not use DHCP on your machine running as the DMZ. I am sure either Mark or I can help you out. I know I am closer to your time zone than him, but it doesn't matter. Heed my warning please. PM me if you need to.