08-07-2010, 10:05 PM
Alright, I will do a little TUT this weekend on beginning C (ah my beloved C) and perhaps a starter course on HijackThis log analysis as well. If I was younger and without obligations (my family, my business etc.) I would be able to produce these faster but alas... As far as the C TUT goes would you prefer a skeleton barebone tutorial (discussion of data structures and how they are moved throughout the computer) or should I begin with basic I/O (in/out) functionality with code. An understanding of the prior makes working with the latter much less complicated, I do not know where everyone's knowledge starts or ends so let me know. For the HijackThis log tutorial it would be nice if someone could post their own log file, seeing as how most of the HJT logs I have from my customers' computers(hosed my foul and deep infections) are probably not the best to start with. I can post one off of one of my virtual machines but there really isn't going to be much of interest on it. Therefore as far as malware removal goes not very helpful to you all. If anyone has unwanted popups, your browser ever redirects you to unwanted webpages or your machine is just way slower than it should be then YOU are who I am talking to. HJT aside from being a 1st response to a malware infection can also be used as a general diagnostic tool for your operating system. Even if you are not infected your HJT log might shed some light on why your computer runs like shit. OTL is another tool similar to HJT but much more extensive and requires a deeper knowledge of Windows to read a log compared to HJT. We will get to that eventually. As a side note OTL has complete 64bit support, while HJT if ran on a 64bit machine leaves a lot to be desired. I probably need to get with Mark and lay out some ground rules for posting into the malware help forum. They are pretty universal rules and they are generally intended to 1)make life easier on the person helping with the removal and 2)To save the person who is infected from their own stupidity.